Friday 7 May 2010

Script Alteration 2

After looking at out first rough cut we decided to move the second line of dialogue to the middle of the trailer just before the pace increases. We did this as we felt like there was nothing linking the beginning and end of the trailer. By doing this the audience is kept engaged and the suspense of the story is kept high. It also allows the audience to make more sense of the trailer.

Script Alteration

Tuesday 10 As a group we have decided to add another line of dialogue to the end of our trailer, we feel that by having a line of dialogue at the beginning of the teaser trailer and then again at the end it act as a sort of frame to the trailer. At the beginning of our trailer Katie May is seen saying: "Have you ever loved someone so much you'd do anything to have them?" The line of dialogue we have added is: "...well I did.." Having this line appearing at the end of our trailer concludes what Katie May is saying at the beginning and leave the viewers wanting to know the story behind it.

Target Audience Questionnaire Results - Charts

Target Audience Research Charts This chart shows the various age groups that took part in this questionnaire.

This chart shows the average amount of times each participant visits the cinema on a monthly basis.

The applicants were asked to state their favourite film genre, the below chart shows the results.

This chart is displaying the features of films that the applicants associate most with horror films.

This pie chart is showing the age ranges the participants deem appropriate for most horror films.

Time Schedule

As we don't have time to capture all the footage for our media trailer in one session, we have created a schedule to help us manage our time efficiently.
Session One
- We plan to film all the scenes where the main focus are the props
These include: The missing poster on a tree, photos scattered on the floor, taking drugs, girls reaching for a knife, a character holding a rope/chain, a necklace in someones hand.
Session Two
-We plan to film all the scenes that only include the main character played by Emily.
These include: Emily falling over, turning her head, drinking vodka, a close up of her eye, emily being interviewed, emily smoking, emily holding a necklace and then putting it on, emily spinning with the camera.
Session Three
-We plan to film the rest of the scenes that include all three characters played by Emily, Frankie and James.
These include: James running, James jumping off a platform, a birds eye view of james, Frankie and James around college, James giving Frankie a necklace, Frankie trying to escape from a locked room, Frankie tied to a chair, a close up of Frankies face, close up of James.
As we are filming over a number of days, we have ensured that props, locations and costumes are kept continuous.

Target Audience Questionnaire Results

Target Audience Questionnaire Results
Below are the results collected from the questionnaire. We asked a sample of 20 people and these are these responses we got.
Female : 8 Male : 12 Age 15 and under : 2 16 – 25 : 10 26 – 35 : 4 36 – 45 : 2 46 and over : 2 Amount of visits to the cinema (per month) Never : 0 1 : 6 2 : 6 3 : 5 4 or more : 3 Film genre most likely to see at the cinema Romance : 2 Horror : 6 Comedy : 3 Action : 3 Animation : 1 Sci-fi : 5 Other : 0 Established characteristics of horror films Soundtrack : 7 Typical story-line : 2 Stereotypical characters : 9 Location : 1 Props : 0 Lighting : 0 Costume : 1 Other : 0 Who they go to the cinema with Family : 2 Friends : 11 Partner : 7 Other : 0 Appropriate age range for horror films 15 and under : 0 16 – 25 : 12 26 – 35 : 7 36 – 45 : 1 46 and above : 0

Target Audience Research - Questionnaire

Target Audience Questionnaire 1. Gender: Male Female 2. Age? (Please state below) _____________ 3. On average how many times a month do you go to the cinema? Never 1 2 3 4 or more 4. Which film genre are you most likely to see at the cinema? Romance Horror Comedy Action Animation Sci-fi Other If other, please state… 5. What is your favourite genre? Romance Horror Comedy Action Animation Sci-fi Other If other, please state… 6. What characteristics do you establish when thinking of a film in the Horror genre? (Please circle all that apply) Soundtrack Typical horror story-line Stereotypical characters Location Props Lighting Costume Other If other, please state… 7. Who are you most likely to go to the cinema with when seeing a horror film? Family Friends Partner Other If other, please state… 8. What age range do you think most horror films should be aimed at? 15 and under 16-25 26-35 36-45 46 and above Thanking you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.

Camera Techniques

Shot 1
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 2
- Medium shot of Callum, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 3
- Long shot of Callum and Sophie, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 4
- Medium shot of Sophie and Callum, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 5
- Long shot of missing poster
Shot 6
- Close up of Sophie
Shot 7
- Medium shot of Callum, Sophie and Katie
Shot 8
- Medium shot of photos, camera pans across them
Shot 9
- Medium shot of drugs, camera tracks the movement along the table
Shot 10
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 11
- Close up of Katie
Shot 12
- Close up of Katie, camera spins with her
Shot 13
- Long shot of Sophie
Shot 14
- Long shot of Callum, camera tracks him running
Shot 15
- Medium shot of Callum and Sophie
Shot 16
- Close up of Katie
Shot 17
-Medium shot of Katie
Shot 18
- Long shot of Sophie
Shot 19
- Close up of Katie and Sophie
Shot 20
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 21
- Long shot of Callum
Shot 22
- Extreme close up of Katie
Shot 23
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 24
- Medium shot of Sophie
Shot 25
- Birds eye view shot of Callum
Shot 26
- Long shot of Katie
Shot 27
- Title
Shot 28
- Close up of Katie