Friday 7 May 2010

Camera Techniques

Shot 1
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 2
- Medium shot of Callum, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 3
- Long shot of Callum and Sophie, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 4
- Medium shot of Sophie and Callum, POV of Katie, handheld camera effect
Shot 5
- Long shot of missing poster
Shot 6
- Close up of Sophie
Shot 7
- Medium shot of Callum, Sophie and Katie
Shot 8
- Medium shot of photos, camera pans across them
Shot 9
- Medium shot of drugs, camera tracks the movement along the table
Shot 10
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 11
- Close up of Katie
Shot 12
- Close up of Katie, camera spins with her
Shot 13
- Long shot of Sophie
Shot 14
- Long shot of Callum, camera tracks him running
Shot 15
- Medium shot of Callum and Sophie
Shot 16
- Close up of Katie
Shot 17
-Medium shot of Katie
Shot 18
- Long shot of Sophie
Shot 19
- Close up of Katie and Sophie
Shot 20
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 21
- Long shot of Callum
Shot 22
- Extreme close up of Katie
Shot 23
- Medium shot of Katie
Shot 24
- Medium shot of Sophie
Shot 25
- Birds eye view shot of Callum
Shot 26
- Long shot of Katie
Shot 27
- Title
Shot 28
- Close up of Katie

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